
Sidebench Talent Spotlight: Geoff Brummett

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Where did you grow up and what was it like?
Redlands, CA. Hot.

Outside of work, what are you irrationally passionate about?
I try not to be irrational about anything. I do think that fitness/physical health pays dividends in all aspects of your life. It can be as simple as walking everyday or going for a bike ride. For me it’s CrossFit (but I won’t bring it up unless asked).

Designers tend to take many routes before becoming product designers. What has your creative journey looked like that led you to this point in your career?
Graphic designer > UI/Brand designer > Product designer

We talk a lot about our jobs being the opportunity to imagine the future and then make it real. What vision do you have for the future and want to make real?
Agtech. In the not so distant future this planet will need to feed 12+ BILLION people. We Americans have SO much food waste. We need to reimagine farming and distribution. The best model I’ve seen out there comes out of one of the smallest European countries, The Netherlands. Despite being such a small country it exports an absurd amount of the worlds tomatoes. I try and think about how farming in large urban areas could affect the way we move forward into a climate conscious economy. 


Not everything we do works and that’s okay. We learn from those things. What is the least successful product or project you’ve contributed to and what did you learn? (No need to mention real names if it’s an issue)
Previous to Sidebench I worked at a startup that went belly up. There were plenty of reasons for it and they are now ingrained in my head. I’ve used them as a guide/risk meter on everything since.

How has a failure, or apparent failure, set you up for later success? Do you have a “favorite failure” of yours?” (Borrowed from Tim Ferris’ “Tribe of Mentors”)
I don’t drink the Koolaid and will combat pretty much anything with a healthy amount of skepticism. 

What’s been the most exciting part about joining Sidebench so far?
After I joined we were doing $2 million in revenue a year. We’re now doing $2.5+ million a quarter. It’s nice to see the rewards in the part you’ve played to grow a company. 

We love to find people that ADD to our culture vs fit into our existing culture. What are some cultural aspects that you’ve experienced that you hope to bring with you?
Just being me. I am what I am and others should be who they ARE and not what they think others want them to be. 

Describe your super power or describe what unique skill/perspective you bring to the team here.
I think looking back my superpower has been pushing us to be better. That drive has been little and big, been well received and not so well received, but it needs to be done so I guess I’ll do it.

What skill, practice, behavior, hobby or habits are you currently working on?
Fitness everyday, Duolingo everyday

Bonus Question: What book, publication, or podcast have you most recommended lately and why?
I just finished listening to The Line about US Navy Seal (Ret.) Eddie Gallagher. A simple Google search will remind you of what happened. This podcast and soon to be Apple TV+ docu-series has in-court audio and interviews with those involved. It’s an interesting dive into a world I’m not involved in in any capacity.


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