
How Healthtech is Affecting Access to Healthcare

Allison Liu

  • Greater Good Health is a company that capitalizes on the abilities of nurse practitioners to expand primary care access through digital means. This service presents a potential solution to expanding primary care access and filling unmet care gaps in rural areas and for individuals who have poor access to medical systems (e.g. transportation or disability).
  • Peer Health Exchange is a non-profit organization that provides unmet health education to high school-aged young people. Our app, selfsea, serves to bridge a gap in an inclusive community for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ young people to learn and navigate their identities, mental health, relationships, and sexual health as necessitated by Trevor Project research.
  • Youth Yellow Pages, a mobile app, was developed in collaboration with Cedars-Sinai Teen Line which provides teen-to-teen support through its national suicide prevention hotline. This mobile app expands access to these life-saving tools for at-risk teens in vulnerable households and professionals that can connect with them.