Training on the go

Where personal meets digital

Manifest is a no-BS workout platform, designed using exercise and behavioral science to drive real, sustainable results. Designed to help you connect and interact on a personal basis with your trainer. Your trainer will monitor your food, give you specific workouts and be able to answer your questions along the way.

Strategic goals

Re-evaluate pain points with the existing application

  • Ground Up Development
    Participants had a poor experience with the app. Logging into the app was difficult and any in-app messages they received from their facilitator were not clearly visible.
  • Feature Consolidation
    For both the participants and facilitators communication was not centralised due to the apps restrictions; a mix of email, mobile messaging and the app were used for contact between both users.
  • Streamline Communication
    Facilitators felt confined to their computers as the portal was only effective on desktop. The portal created a lot of manual work as information was not accessible in one place and with participants at different points in the program, facilitators were spending a significant amount of time sending the correct content at the right time.


Manifest MVP relaunch

Sidebench designed a streamlined portal and an additional app for facilitators, along with a more engaging app for the participants. The on-the-go, real-time system with improved in-app messaging, will allow coaches and facilitators to better utilize their time, while the automated program content will enable Manifest to focus efforts on improving the core experience and products.

Overall this will create a consistent and scalable product experience, to enable Manifest’s growth to reach an exponential rate in the near future

Consumer Mobile Platform

Facilitator Web Portal

Facilitator Messaging App